Rodeo Royalty

2025 Rodeo Royalty Application

Contestants who are pursuing a modeling or talent career may not use images or video (theirs or competition) taken in conjunction with Miss Airpower Foundation Rodeo Royalty Pageant, without express written permission from the Rodeo Royalty Committee and the Photographer.
a. Treat others with respect and expect to be treated with respect by others.
b. Never act in a way that makes another person feel uncomfortable or threatened.
c. Ask permission before photographing and/or sharing photographs of others on social media.
d. Report promptly to the Rodeo Royalty Committee if you suspect or observe inappropriate or harmful behavior.
e. Model positive, inclusive language and behavior
f. Respect and treat all equally regardless of sex, race, religion, sexual identity, or disability.
g. Never put yourself in a situation where you are alone or where you cannot be observed by others.
Any contestant found to be in violation of this rule will be contacted by the Rodeo Royalty Committee and will have up to 24 hours to remove the content, preferably immediately. Any repeat instances will be addressed which may result in removal from Competition and forfeiture of application fee and sash. And will not be eligible to compete in the Airpower Foundation Rodeo Royalty Pageant again.
Contestant also understands she may not use her Airpower Foundation title to promote any other cause or organization without the express written permission of Airpower Foundation Rodeo Royalty Committee.
Any request by any political party (appearance, engagement, attendance, photo opportunity, etc.) must first be approved by the Airpower Foundation Rodeo Royalty committee in writing.
Contestant understands that addressing any issue(s) with staff, other contestants, Rodeo Royalty Committee, visiting Royalty, current Airpower Foundation Rodeo Royalty, etc. must be done professionally and not in an attacking or public manner.

Contestant found to be using defamatory, slanderous remarks, whether verbal and/or written, against the Miss Airpower Foundation Rodeo Royalty Pageant competition will result in immediate disqualification, forfeiture of any and all prizes and awards won, and the Contestant may be subject to legal action.
To support their mission in support of all of those who have served, and their families, of our Armed Forces. To bring awareness to this great organization and all they do for our Military.
a. Will acquire items listed on the APF Sheet as provided.
b. Will attend clinics.
c. Will attend appearances.
d. Will attend competition.
e. Will have flexibility to volunteer at other APF events.

AirPower Foundation: Its all about the families.

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