.A. “Rex” King III grew up in Wichita Falls Texas working along side his late parents in their family owned restaurants. Both his parents proudly served in WW-II, his Dad Alexander served with the Texas 12th Armored Division ETO and his Mom Rayma served in the Navy WAVES flying weather missions over the North Pacific. The years spent working there taught him a work ethic that served him well through out his life. Rex passed his FCC Exam to obtain an Amateur Radio License (W5EAK) at age 11. Using old WW-II surplus and kits he built, these “magic boxes” that opened a whole new world for this boy on the Texas prairie. People in far off lands painted “word pictures” that sparked his imagination. In 1965, with the draft board on his heals, he joined the Navy, with an Amateur Radio License in hand, the Navy promptly sent him to Radioman School, then came orders to Vietnam. Rex served on River Boats (PBR), later Destroyers and finally Submarines. While serving in Vietnam, he spent all of his off duty time making “Phone Patches” allowing Servicemen/Women to make calls via MARS/Amateur Radio back home for 3 minutes. This made him extremely popular. After TET ’68, he was order to OCS where he received his Commission, in Navy terms, he is a “Mustang.”
Rex medically retired at the rank of Lieutenant Commander. He is 100% Service Connected Disabled due to wounds received in Vietnam. Rex earned his MBA from Cornell and returned to Texas where today, he is a Rancher with the love of his life Donna Snow King. The magic of Amateur Radio is still alive and well as he spends hours a week “riding the airwaves” along with Donna (W5SML) who is also an active Amateur Radio Operator.
Both are active in High School Rodeo and have assisted over 60 young people and adults in obtaining their Amateur Radio Licenses.